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    Vines to Grow by Height

    Vines can be used to clothe porches, trellises, arbors, pergolas, and post. Vines can be used to clamber up old tree-trunks or cover the bare ground beneath. Vines are used for both their floral and foliage effect. Most vines are vigorous growers and are expected to remain in place for many years. Determine how high […] More

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    Vines for Shade

    Tall trees and buildings can create shade. Planting a shady location requires plants adapted to growing without direct sunlight and tolerant of shade. Shade-tolerant vines can be used on the north side of buildings; they can also be grown on arbors, trellises, and fences under tall trees. Many shade-tolerant vines are native to woodland regions […] More

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    Climbing Plants for Clay Soil

    There are climbing plants that can tolerate and grow in clay soil. Growing plants in clay soil is a challenge. Clay soil is slow to drain and dense. That makes it hard for plant roots to grow. Choosing plants that can tolerate clay soil is one way to work around the clay soil challenge. Some […] More

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    How to Prune a Vine

    Prune vines to improve the form of the plant. Prune vines to benefit the parts of the plant that remain. Prune vines to increase flower or fruit production. If you considered the growth habit of the vine and the space to be covered when selecting the vine, pruning will not be difficult; it will almost […] More

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    How To Plant And Grow Vines

    Vines include a large and varied group of plants. Vines include all kinds of climbing plants and also certain shrubs with long flexible shoots that may be trained to serve as vines. Outdoors vines are used to clothe porches, trellises, arbors, pergolas, and posts, to clamber up old tree trunks or cover the bare ground […] More

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    Designing with Vines

    Vines create tremendous vertical effects while using little horizontal space. They can be an asset to a garden’s color, texture, and form. If a garden is small, with a lot of wall or other vertical space, vines become an important design element. Vines can complement architecture or other hardscape in a garden or landscape. Vines […] More