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    Colorful Autumn and Winter Foliage Plants

    Many trees, shrubs, and perennials are grown especially for their autumn foliage color. Autumn is a time when many deciduous plants and a few evergreens make their presence known. Many people find the colors of autumn the loveliest of the year. Autumn plant color is part of the natural processes which begin with the shortening […] More

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    Drought-Tolerant Trees

    Drought-tolerant trees can withstand dry conditions once established. No native or commonly used landscape plant is drought-resistant until it becomes established in the site. All plants require a steady supply of moisture when first planted. Trees can tolerate drought if they are deep-rooted. Deep roots can harvest soil moisture from past rainfalls. Trees planted in […] More

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    Fast-Growing Trees

    Fast-growing trees can transform a landscape in a few years. They can bring shade and privacy to an otherwise open situation. Fast-growing is a relative term when it comes to trees; a fast-growing tree can add 3 to 10 feet (.9-3m) in height and breadth in a year. That means a one or two-year-old sapling […] More

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    Shrubs and Trees That Withstand Shade

    Growing trees and shrubs in shade can be a challenge if you choose plants that prefer sunny conditions. If you choose plants that are adapted to shady conditions, shade gardening is quite enjoyable and barely any work at all. There are many shrubs and trees that prefer shade. They are understory plants that like the […] More

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    Spring Flowering Trees

    Flowering trees are among the most popular ornamental plants. Spring flowering trees are especially valued for the bold way they signal the start of the warm time of the year. Flowering crab apples, dogwoods, hawthorns, redbuds, and cherries are harbingers of spring. Flowering trees make a tremendous impact in bloom even if many bloom only […] More

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    Evergreen Trees for Privacy Planting

    Evergreens are plants that hold their foliage from season to season. Evergreen trees are well-suited as privacy plants. They create year-round living walls that can shield a garden or property from outside view. Evergreens can be divided into two classes: conifers or narrow-leaved evergreens and broad-leaved evergreens. Both conifers and broad-leaved evergreen trees can vary […] More

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    Deciduous Trees for Privacy Plantings

    Deciduous trees can be used to create privacy. They can be used along a boundary to protect and enclose a garden or property. Deciduous trees can be used as a wall of green through the warm months of the year; they can still serve as a boundary in the cold time of the year even […] More

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    Trees With Autumn Color

    Trees with colorful autumn foliage are at their best from mid-to-late autumn. Make the most of trees with colorful autumn foliage by planting them where they can be seen from windows in your house or along well-traveled paths or drives. Autumn leaves will be especially brilliant after a hot summer, but after a mild summer, […] More

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    Trees for Clay Soil

    Some trees are adapted to clay soil. Planting clay-tolerant trees is a start to growing a garden where the soil dense and dry or waterlogged. You can improve less-than-ideal soil by adding organic matter—aged compost, manure, and commercial organic planting mix. Organic matter lightens heavy clay soil by separating dense clay particles. Organic matter improves […] More

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    Tree Care Basics

    Trees are the largest and longest-lived plants in the landscape. They bring beauty and serenity to the garden. The time and effort spent in tree care are minuscule compared to the decades of pleasure they give. Trees are relatively self-sufficient once established. Once a tree is established its care is mostly a matter of protecting […] More

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    How to Plant a Tree

    Planting a tree is not difficult. More difficult is the time it takes to decide where to plant a tree and which tree to plant. Trees more than any other plants lend a sense of permanence to a garden or landscape. A tree will be where you plant it for decades and some for centuries. […] More