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    Begonia Types and Care

    Begonia is a large and diverse group. There are more than 1,000 species of begonias. Begonias are prized for their texture, multicolored foliage, and colorful flowers. Most houseplant begonias are fibrous-rooted or rhizomatous, but there are some tuberous varieties. There are begonias that flower year-round; there are shrubby begonias that bloom seasonally, and there are […] More

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    How to Grow Foliage Begonias

    Foliage begonias have large heart-shaped leaves with bold and subtle markings in the form of marbling, mottling, spots, or zones. Leaf colors range from green to silver, bronze, purple, red, pink, and black often with a silvery overlay. Rex Begonia and Angel-Wing Begonia are two of the best know foliage begonias. Begonias dislike full exposure […] More